Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My room newly redone!

Well yesterday my Dad and I go done re-doing my room for my birthday!
I have new bed stuff. New nightstand and nightstand stuff, and more importantly a new computer desk! YA! No more sitting on the floor! Now I can be taller than the computerdesk typing slide out thingy.Then after that I got posters like 3-D ones and regular ones. I told my Mom or Ariazink all about it. I think I ramble on a little bit too much. No biggy though(I hope).
So you probably heard on Ariazink that I'm now 11 so after this blog post I'm going to change my profile. Plus I'm going to have a new picture. OK well that's all for now other than a normal 6Th grade life and schedule. Byes!

Josie :-D

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Messed Up Schedule!

Today I got a new schedule.Now Instead of just four different teachers I now have six.
That's because my schools idiot decided that some kids should go to camp for a week during well a school week! It's totally messed up.I wanted to go though.I mean missing class for a week to have fun who wouldn't pass that up.Well I had to because I can't afford to go.(it sucks). Now some 6th grade teachers have to go to camp with the kids so now all the 6th grade kids who aren't going including me have a new schedule. It got seperated into four sections which are A,B,C,and of course D.I have B when all my friends have D.That sucks as well.Now I have 6 different teachers 4 of which I've never met before! So I must say next week will be suckish.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Here's to all the Slasher! fans!

Hi people!Well there is another way to contact me!

I have a The-n.com acccount and my username is:specter140!
You will most likly find me at a game called Slaher!So I hope to see you there!All you have to do is write me a message saying something about my blog!Then Ill know how many readers I have I hope to get a bunch so heres to all the Slaher! fans!

fail owned pwned picturesNoooo I want to stay!Please let me stay!
see more Fail Blog
fail owned pwned picturesI need to get this sign fixed BIG TIME!
see more Fail Blogfail owned pwned picturesWhat?It's a homemade jacquzzi!
see more Fail Blog
fail owned pwned picturesIf this is what the sink is like I don't even want to know about the toilet!
see more Fail Blog

Well my fellow people today I have learned two things 1:Slasher!is a fun game. and 2:Whoever made this sink needs to go back to architecture school!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My 5th Grade Graduation!

Well Im graduating 5th grade in honor!Thats right Im getting the presidents award!So..Ill post more when i get the award.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Have a happy Memorial Day

fail owned pwned pictureshey peoples today is dedicated to all the **** soldiers.so heres to u!
see more Fail Blog
fail owned pwned pictureshey i know im ten,but this is too funny!
see more Fail Blog
fail owned pwned picturesAww man Alvin needed a wash though!
see more Fail Blogfail owned pwned picturesAww I really wanted a taco!
see more Fail Blog
fail owned pwned pictures"Ok class you may start when you get your papers."said Mrs.Beadley."DONE"shouted the class!
see more Fail Blog

Ok theres a lot of mistakes in this world but these pics above are just DEE DE DEE!