Monday, June 1, 2009

Here's to all the Slasher! fans!

Hi people!Well there is another way to contact me!

I have a acccount and my username is:specter140!
You will most likly find me at a game called Slaher!So I hope to see you there!All you have to do is write me a message saying something about my blog!Then Ill know how many readers I have I hope to get a bunch so heres to all the Slaher! fans!

fail owned pwned picturesNoooo I want to stay!Please let me stay!
see more Fail Blog
fail owned pwned picturesI need to get this sign fixed BIG TIME!
see more Fail Blogfail owned pwned picturesWhat?It's a homemade jacquzzi!
see more Fail Blog
fail owned pwned picturesIf this is what the sink is like I don't even want to know about the toilet!
see more Fail Blog

Well my fellow people today I have learned two things 1:Slasher!is a fun game. and 2:Whoever made this sink needs to go back to architecture school!